If you are following me on social media you will have seen my new ink and watercolour illustrations. I've been having fun, creating some whimsical characters for you, in celebration of the Wild Swimming phenomenon that has exploded onto our coastlines in recent years. I take my hat off to all who have embraced the activity and chosen to test the well-documented mental and physical benefits of the sport - I'm BEHIND you all the way!!! I hope that this Wild Swimming Collection will bring you a smile and maybe even a giggle - or two!
As you know, over the last year I have been Graduate of Residence at The Designerie, Bushmills as part of a collaboration between the Ulster University and Enterprise Causeway. Throughout my time the U.U business pod has grown and evolved, and is now showcasing the work of another 3 students who are involved in the U.U Enterprise Placement Year.
Due to a re-shuffle, the manager at The Designerie recently asked me to put my work in one of the other pods, and I am 'wildly' excited to show it to you....
As an artist, I am aware of the need to create "breathing space" in a painting, which enables the viewers eye to rest. This fantastic, new space gives my paintings that visual breathing space, allowing you, the viewer, to see each piece unhindered by visual clutter.
My Graduate of Residence year will be coming to an end soon and I have some big decisions to make! You have all been so encouraging over the past year and many of you have supported me by financially investing in my work. I wonder if you even realise how significant that is to someone who is starting up to run a small business? Please know that I am so very thankful to you, and because of your encouragement and investment you have contributed to my thinking and planning for "what's next" in my creative journey.

So many exciting and affirming things have happened this past year during my time with The Designerie, but one of the most precious for me personally has been the opportunity to collaborate with my daughter @rhian_music_ as she released her single "Whispers".
Rhian asked me to 'paint her song' so that she could use the artwork for the cover of Whispers. Wonder what she meant by 'paint her song?' Me too! The song is 4mins 15sec long and she asked me to paint live during that time, painting what I heard, rather than what I saw. It was a new challenge for me, but I loved it!
Rhian is a singer song-writer and is releasing an EP later this year. Check her out at: https://linktr.ee/rhiansmusic

Running Gillian Brownlow.Art alongside working in The Designerie Shop and painting makes life a bit busy as you can imagine! Never one to shy away from a challenge though, I continue to enter exhibitions and I have just left one of my paintings off at the University for their end of year show which opens next week. This is an opportunity for friends and family to see some work from the Graduates in Residence who couldn't have a show last year, in the University setting, alongside work from graduating students this year.
Use this link if you would like to book tickets to attend. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/belfast-school-of-art-degree-show-2022-tickets-347910448517
There is quite a lot in the pipeline at the moment so I will write again when there is more I can share to keep you up to date!
"Creativity takes courage" Henri Matisse
Thank you for continuing with me on this journey!